Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love even those who hurt you

Love even those who hurt. They’ll realise your worth someday

the tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter
So, love even those who hurt. They’ll realise your worth someday

The above quote which really made me think and reflect. To still love those who hurt us takes a lot and very often it’s easier said than done.

It reminds me of our beloved Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasalam and how some of his loved ones really hurt him and chose to reject him as a Messenger of Allah. The hurt and grieve they gave him salla Allahu alayhi wasalam, didn’t deter him from his mission. Just like the tree who does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter, the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasalam still gave and showed love, compassion, mercy and kindness to all those who hurt, ridiculed and harmed him.

These noble qualities which he demonstrated in his conduct, softened the hearts of those who opposed him, they realised his worth and his uniqueness, thus accepted Islam. Those unfortunate souls who did not realise his worth during his lifetime will realise his worth on the day of judgement.

Loving those who hurt us is a prophetic characteristic and may we all aspire to achieve this whether those who hurt us realise our worth in this life or not Allah does and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day….

Muhammad yahya Mehmood (Yahya Al Noor)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring's Gift

Poem about Prophet Muhammad Peace Be On Him

I envy the sand that met his feet
I'm jealous of honey he tasted sweet

Of birds that hovered above his head
Of spiders who spun their sacred web

To save him from his enemies
I envy clouds formed from the seas

That gave him cover from the heat
Of a sun whose light could not compete

With his, whose face did shine so bright
That all was clear in pitch-black night

I envy sightless trees that gazed
Upon his form completely dazed

Not knowing if the sun had rose
Or if the sky was one with those

Who knelt, who prayed, and fasted too
Simply because he told them to

With truth and kindness, charity
From God who gave such clarity

His mercy comes in one He sent
To mold our hearts more heaven bent

I envy all there at his side
Who watched the turning of the tide

As truth prevailed and falsehood fled
And hope restored life to the dead

And men and women found their place
With aspirations for God's Face

I envy the cup that gave him drink
His thoughts that helped us all to think

To be one thought that passed his mind
Inspiring him to act so kind

For me this world is not one jot
If I could simple be a thought

From him to God throughout the ages
As revelation came in stages

I pity all who think it odd
To hear him say there is one God

Or he was sent by God to men
To hone their spirits' acumen

It's pride that blinds us from the sight
That helps good men to see his light

He taught us all to be God's slaves
And he will be the one who saves

Humanity from sinful pride
Muhammad has God on his side

So on this day be blessed and sing
For he was born to grace our Spring

With lilies, flowers, life's rebirth
In a dome of green like his on earth.

by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Du'a Of Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him

Oh Allah!

I consult you as you are all knowing,
And I seek ability from Your power and I ask you for Your great favor,
For you have power, but I do not, and You have knowledge,
But I do not, and You know all hidden matters.

Oh Allah!

If you know that this matter is good for me in my religion,
My livelihood and my life in the Hereafter, then make it easy and bless it,
And if you know that this matter is evil for me in my religion,
My livelihood and my life in the Hereafter,
Then keep it away from me and keep me away from it,
And choose what is good for me wherever it is,
And make me pleased with it.

Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him - 7th century

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Muhammad peace be up on him

Muhammad (SAW)

What a year was 570 AD
A person was born, a prophet to be
Muhammed (saws) that was his name
People were misguided and thats when he came

He would go on to leave all the idols behind
He is an example to all of mankind
Rabbi al Awwal the 12th, that was the day
He came to this world to show us the way

He was born in Mecca, the holiest place
A life full of challenges he was to face
Abdullah(ra) his father,had by then passed away
Leaving Amina (ra)his mother,in her arms he lay

Haalima Sadia,took over his care
Until he was six,our prophet was there
His mother then died,he was left all alone
Abdul Muttalib(ra) his grand-dad then made him his own

When our prophet was nine, his grandfather died
Abu Talib, his uncle, became his new guide
In his 20's,a merchant Muhammed (saws) became by trade
Al-Amin,(the trustworthy) became his grade

Hazrat Khadija(ra)aged 40, became his bride
He was 25, with her by his side
To the poor,she gave away all her wealth
A dedicated wife in sickness and health

360 idols in the Kaaba, they were at that time
Our prophet realised that this was a crime
He would go to mount Hira,leaving behind his wife
Reflecting and wondering about the meaning of life

Whilst thinking there in the midst of the night
He heard a loud voice which filled him with fright
It was the angel Gibrail(as) who asked him to read
Our prophet couldn't and didnt take heed

The angel embraced him and thern asked him later
Read, Read in the name of the Creator
Who created man from a drop of blood
Our prophet couldn't read but at that time he could

Our prophet rushed to the path straight ahead
He heard a voice from the heavens which said
Muhammed(saws) truly you are the messenger of God
Muhammed (saws) was scared and thought this quite odd

'Praise be to God' his wife said instead
''I know you've been chosen as God's messenger' she said
And thus Khadija (ra) became the first woman of islam
And over the next 23 years came the revelation, the Quran

He preached to all people, every creed every race
Yet so many hardships he had to face
There were fears for his life,then the Hijrat took place
He then entered Medina, all by Allah's grace

He was greeted by the Ansaris who gave their salaam
To him and his companians,the Sahaba ikram
Then came the battles,which were fought face to face
Then the conquest of Mecca,Muhammed (saws)'s birthplace

An Nasr was revealed, it's message was clear
Muhammed (saws) knew that his time was near
Everyone gathered to hear his last speech
little did they know how far Allah's message would reach

Muhammed (saws) gave us the miracle the Quran
And now a 1/4 of the world follow Islam
He is our role-model, the best of mankind
And has left the Quran and his Sunnah behind

Read the Quran as much as you can
The words of Allah(swt) for the guidance of man
And follow our prophet's sunnah, when eating and dressing
And send him salutations and many a blessing

He came to mankind to show us the way
And Insha-Allah,we'll meet him, we'll meet him one day

Thursday, June 17, 2010



"Muhammed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities." Encyclopedia Britannica

"The founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammed. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"Lamartine, Historie de la Turquie, Paris 1854, Vol. 11 pp. 276-277

"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today." George Bernard Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM.

"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level." Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.

"In little more than a year he was actually the spiritual, nominal and temporal rule of Medina, with his hands on the lever that was to shake the world." John Austin, MUHAMMAD THE PROPHET OF ALLAH in T.P.'s and Cassel's Weekly for 24th September 1927.

"Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia the man who, of all men exercised the greatest influence upon the human race... Mohammed" John William Draper, M.D., L.L.D., A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875, Vol.1, pp.329-330

"Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him." Diwan Chand Sharma, The Prophets of the East, Calcutta 1935, p. l 22.

"People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense.Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser degree, Moses did the same."
Professor Jules Masserman

"He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue;if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports." Bosworth Smith, MOHAMMAD AND
MOHAMMADANISM, London, 1874, p. 92.

"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher." Annie Besant, THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD, Madras, 1932, p. 4.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reflections of My Beloved Prophet

My role model, my revered prophet
The light of God’s eye
It is by mimicking your actions that
I strive to live and die

If I can just be a mere fraction
Of the person that you were
My bounties, knowledge and goodness
Will indeed commence to incur

No single unbeliever (black nor white)
Can aid in your defamation
It is through God’s eyes that you are
The key to human kind’s salvation

O Prophet, my beloved prophet
The Seal of all who came before you
Your kindness, love and compassion
Cannot ever be surpassed nor eschewed

They have tried to denounce you
Yet your name is inscribed in the throne of God
Indeed they’ll never know love will surpass hate
And their plan to vilify you is flawed

They can say whatever they want to say
They will unfortunately never know
The love and admiration for you that
Will ALWAYS and FOREVER continue to grow.

by Sumaira Maghrabi

Monday, December 7, 2009

12 Proofs that Muhammad is a true prophet.

My brothers and sisters everywhere! You should know that the Messenger, Muhammad the son of `Abdullah (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) is Allah's Messenger in reality and truth. The evidences that show his veracity are abundant. None but an disbeliever, who out of arrogance alone could deny these signs.

Among these proofs:

1. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) was raised illiterate, unable to read or write, and remained like that till his death. Among all his people, he was known as being truthful and trustworthy. Before receiving revelation, he had no prior knowledge of Religion or any previously sent Message. He remained like that for his first forty years. Revelation then came to Muhammad with the Quran that we now have between our hands. This Quran mentioned most of the accounts found in the previous scriptures, telling us about these events in the greatest detail as if he witnessed them. These accounts came precisely as they were found in the Torah sent down to Moses and in the Gospel sent down to Jesus. Neither the Jews nor Christians were able to belie him regarding anything that he said.

2. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) also foretold of everything that would occur to him and his community after him, pertaining to victory, the removal of the tyrannical kingdoms of Khosroes [the royal title for the Zoroastrian kings of Persia] and Caesar, and the establishment of the religion of Islam throughout the earth. These events occurred exactly as Muhammad foretold, as if he was reading the future from an open book.

3. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) also brought an Arabic Quran that is the peak of eloquence and clarity. The Quran challenged those eloquent and fluent Arabs of his time, who initially belied him, to bring forth a single chapter like the Quran. The eloquent Arabs of his day were unable to contest this Quran.Indeed, till our day, none has ever dared to claim that he has been able to compose words that equal-or even approach-the order, grace, beauty, and splendor of this Glorious Quran.

4. The life history of this Noble Prophet was a perfect example of being upright, merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, generous, distant from all evil character, and ascetic in all worldly matters, while striving solely for the reward of the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of Allah.

5. Allah instilled great love for Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) in the hearts of all who believed in and met him. This love reached such a degree that any of his companions would willingly sacrifice his (or her) self, mother or father for him. Till today, those who believe in Muhammad honor and love him. Anyone of those
who believe in him would ransom his own family and wealth to see him, even if but once.

6. All of history has not preserved the biography of any person in the manner it has preserved the life of Muhammad, who is the most influential human in history.
Nor has the entire earth known of anyone whom every morning and evening, and many times thereafter throughout the day, is thought of by those who believe in him. Upon remembering Muhammad, the believers in him will greet him and ask Allah to bless him. They do such with full hearts and true love for him.

7. Nor has there ever been a man on earth whom is still followed in all his doings by those who believe in him. Those who believe in Muhammad, sleep in the manner he slept; purify themselves (through ablution and ritual washing) in the manner he purified himself; and adhere to his practice in the way they eat, drink, and clothe themselves.
Indeed in all aspects of their lives, the believers in Muhammad adhere to the teachings he spread among them and the path that he traveled upon during his life.
During every generation, from his day till our time, the believers in this Noble Prophet have fully adhered to his teachings. With some, this has reached the degree that they desire to follow and adhere to the Prophet's way in his personal matters regarding which Allah has not sought of them to adhere to in worship. For example, some will only eat those specific foods or only wear those specific garments that the Messenger liked.
Let alone all that, all those who believe in Muhammad repeat those praises of Allah, special prayers, and invocations that he would say during each of his actions during day and night, like: what he would say when he greeted people, upon entering and leaving the house, entering and leaving the mosque, entering and leaving the bathroom, going to sleep and awaking from sleep, observing the new crescent, observing the new fruit on trees, eating, drinking, dressing, riding, traveling and returning from travel, etc.
Let alone all that, all those who believe in Muhammad fully perform-even to the minute detail-every act of worship-like prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage-as this Noble Messenger (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) taught and as he himself performed.
All of this allows those who believe in him, to live their lives in all aspects with this Noble Messenger as their example, as if he was standing before them, for them to follow in all their doings.

8. There has never been nor will there ever be a man anywhere upon this earth who has received such love, respect, honor, and obedience in all matters-small and large alike-as has this Noble Prophet.
9. Since his day, in every region of the earth and during every period, this Noble Prophet has been followed by individuals from all races, colors and peoples. Many of those who followed him were previously Christians, Jews, pagans, idolaters, or without any religion. Among those who chose to follow him, were those who were known for their sound judgment, wisdom, reflection, and foresight. They chose to follow this Noble Prophet after they witnessed the signs of his truthfulness and the evidences of his miracles. They did not choose to follow Muhammad out of compulsion or coercion or because they had adopted the ways of their fathers and mothers.
Indeed many of the followers of this Prophet (may Allah's blessings peace be upon him), chose to follow him during the time when Islam was weak, when there were few Muslims, and when there was severe persecution of his followers on earth. Most people who have followed this Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) have done so not to acquire some material benefits. Indeed many of his followers have suffered the greatest forms of harm and persecution as a result of following this Prophet. Despite all this harm and persecution, this did not turn them back from his religion.
My brethren! All of this clearly indicates to anyone possessing any sense, that this Prophet was truly and really Allah's messenger and that he was not just a man who claimed prophethood or spoke about Allah without knowledge.

10. With all this, Muhammad came with a great religion in its creedal and legal make-up.
Muhammad described Allah with qualities of complete perfection, and at the same time in a manner that is free of ascribing to Him any imperfection. Neither the philosophers nor the wise could ever describe Allah like such. Indeed it is impossible to imagine that any human mind could conceive of an existing being that possesses such complete ability, knowledge, and greatness; Who has subdued the creation; Who has encompassed everything in the universe, small or large; and Who possesses such perfect mercy.

Nor is it in the ability of any human being to place a perfect law based upon justice, equality, mercy and objectivity for all human activity on earth like the laws that Muhammad brought for all spheres of human activity - like buying and selling, marriage and divorce, renting, testimony, custody, and all other contracts that are necessary to uphold life and civilization on earth.

11. It is impossible that any person conceive wisdom,, morals, good manners, nobleness of characters as what this honorable Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) brought. In a full and complete manner, Muhammad spread a teaching regarding character and manners toward one' parents, relatives, fiends, family, humanity, animals, plants and inanimate objects. It is impossible for the human mind alone to grasp all of that teaching or come with a similar teaching.

All of that unequivocally indicates that this Messenger did not bring an) of this religion from his own accord, but that it was rather a teaching and inspiration that he received from the One Who created the earth and the high heavens above and created this universe in its miraculous architecture and perfection.

12. The legal and creedal make-up of the religion that the Messenger, Muhammad, (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) brought resembles the engineering of the heavens and the earth. All of that indicates that He who created the heavens and the earth is the One Who sent down this great law and upright religion. The degree of inimitability of the Divine law that was sent down upon Muhammad is to the same degree of inimitability of the Divine creation of the heavens and earth. For just as humanity cannot create this universe, in the same manner humanity cannot bring forth a law like Allah's law that He sent down upon His servant and messenger Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him).